Friday, March 25, 2011

" I'mma be what I set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly
And all those who look down on me I'm tearing down your balcony"

CrossFit Games Open WOD #1
AMRAP 10min
DU x30
Snatches x15

Rnds completed: 8rnds + 26du

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Workout of the day

This is why I train, This is why i compete, this is what I love!

AM strength Training...
Wide grip press-find your one rep max..warm-up accordingly.
A1. Mixed grip chin-ups x12; 30sec rest
A2. Bar dips x15; 3sets; 30sec rest
B1. Single Db rows x10 each side;30sec rest
B2. Wide grip Bench press x10;60sec rest

AM conditioning.....
5rnds for time:
75lb ohs x12
Box jump burpee x 7 @ 24"

PM Conditioning....

Have not decided yet, something light to keep the lungs and mind ready. I'll take off tomorrow and get after the CrossFit Games Open Wod on Thursday...wish me luck...1....2....3....lets do this!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Workout of the day

Morning Conditioning.....

Death Loop x1 (875m)

Skill Warm-up:
5 sets not for time just work on being efficient in movements:
Power cleans x2 @205
MU x2 (Strict)
HSPU x2 ( Main focus was on the Negative and pausing at the bottom for 2 seconds)
Pistols x4 (2 each Leg)
Row 200m

WOD #1
3 rounds for time:
Row 500m
Jump rope singles x100


Gymnastic/ strength
Ring Dips 5/5/5/5 Wearing 25lb vest
superset with
Underhand grip C2B pull-ups 5/5/5/5 Wearing 25lb vest

for time:
HSPU x25
DU x25
Box Jumps x25 @ 32in
DU x25
Burpee x25

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Workout of the day

AnywhereFit..Blair Morrison (straight up beast)

.com AMRAP 12min
3x bench press @185#
5x Back squat @ 225#

Rest 3hrs

WOD #2
3 rounds with a 2min cap on each round/Wearing 25lb vest
30ft rope climb
20 air squats
With the remainder of the 2min hit static holds on the ring dips (full ext. of movement, complete lockout)

Cool Down: death loop (875m) wearing weighted vest
And it begins...Lets Get it!

I have learned and am constantly learning, that the actual competitions that we participate in through CrossFit, like the consumation of all goals, are but single points, standing out like glowing peaks against the tapestry of our lives. It's the travel from peak to peak, the interior process of goal fulfillment in which one must seek the enjoyment..that is what makes this life worth living.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Workout of the day

Todays Pr @ 330Lbs. My set up could have been better, and my catch at the bottom was rough...but what the hell, I'm happy with the lift!

Squat clean 1/1/1/1/1 (Find a new pr) Rest as needed btwn each rep. I rested around 4 to 5min. I  prd today at 330Lbs, 5Lbs past old pr.
A1.Heavy Bench press 5/5/5/5/5
A2.Wide grip strict pull-ups 5/5/5/5/5 (put chin over bar...your throat will literally be touching the bar).

AMRAP 15 mins
1 Pullup, 1 T2B, 1KB swing @88Lbs
2 Pullup, 2 T2B, 2KB swing
3 Pullup, 3 T2B, 3KB swing high as you can make it in 15 mins

Cool down: Strapped on a 30Lb vest and hit the death loop x1 (875m)

Monday, March 7, 2011

"You are the agent of your own destiny"

"You are the agent of your own destiny, whether you realize it or not, whether you act it or not. Only you can find the motivation to exert the quality of effort to achieve your full potential. No one else can do the work for you. Developing a personal philosophy of effort based on objective principles requires time and dedication; but the rewards are commensurate. As that philosophy takes shape you will grow increasingly directed and purposeful. But you can't just think about it, you must act on it! So, take pride in your power to achieve your values and goals. Be a champion of choice and make the high-intensity effort necessary to achieve the kind of physique you desire." Mike Mentzer Words from Mike Mentzer

Sunday, March 6, 2011

“I like people who have a sense of individuality. I love expression and anything awkward and imperfect, because that’s natural and that’s real.”

[Marc Jacobs]

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Lullaby

 5 power snatches at the top of every minute, followed by AMRAP burpees for the remainder of the minute. I continue this progression until I reached 100 burpees. As soon as this happened, I transitioned to 5 OH squats at the top of every minute, followed by AMRAP double unders for the remainder of the minute. I continued this progression until I reached 500 double unders. 

-weight used 45 kilos (100#)


"Blessed is the man who doesn't see too much." - Boris Pasternak

Friday, March 4, 2011

Workout of the day

Total up 100ft Rope climb (rest as needed)

Ring Dip to L-sit pause 10,10,10

Five rounds for time of:
135 pound Back squat, 20 reps
Handstand walk 20 yards

Workout of the day

"Blessed is the man who doesn't see too much." - Boris Pasternak

Death loop x 1 (875m)

Suspended Kb bench press 3x20
A1. mixed grip pull-ups 3x10
A2. Kb bench press 3x10

Conditioning #1
kbs x10 + 1 hspu (using 70lb kb)
kbs x10 + 2 hspu
kbs x10 + 2hspu
etc..until you get to 10kbs and 10 hspu

10min amrap
kb snatch x5 each arm
t2b x10
pp x 10

Cool Down: Death Loop 875m