Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Mike D. Dave Castro and myself

AM Training....Partner WOD (Kat and Myself)

150 power cleans (m=115/f=75)
150 push jerk (m=115/f=75)
On the min, every must complete a hill run. Once you and your partner get back from the hill run, you switch movements. So if Kat started on power cleans, she would be on push jerk after the 1st hill run and continue to alt with me until all reps are complete.

Our Time: 14:43

Skill :
HSPU Intervals

Max reps... Rest 3mins... x 4

PM Training..WOD #2
Seven Rounds For Time:

7 Push Ups
7 Thrusters (135#)
7 Knees to Elbows
7 Deadlifts (245#)
7 Burpees
7 KB Swings (2pood)
7 Pull Ups


Seated press 1rm (10/8/5/3/1) Seated Max:235lbs
A1. KB bench press 3x10
A2. Inverted Rows 3x12
B1. DB incline press 3x10
B2. BB row 3x6

WOD #1
4 rounds for time:
2x ring dips + 2x ring hspu (rings are at MU height..flip to inv. after completion of the 2 ring dips)
10 pistols 5x each leg

WOD #2
10min AMRAP:
Max power snatches @ 135

Cool Down:
Death Loop x 1 (875m)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Lifeasrx tour Dallas Training

Lifeasrx tour kicks off in 3 weeks. I'm suped stoked to get back into competition mode, I ,mean hell.....this is what we do! 

#3 rounds for time:
OHS @135x10
DU x50

5 rounds for completion:
20yrd handstand walk
10 T2b

1000m row
50 x thrusters @45
30 pullups

Cool Down
Death Loop x 1 (875m)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Oly Training

Snatch Work:
Work up to 90% of your 1rm in Snatch and then perform 1 snatch on the min for 10min.
-I used 215#

PM training:
Power Cleans 5/5/3/3/2/2 I started my first 5 with 225lbs and ended my last set of 2reps with 300lbs

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


This Saturday  I will be hosting an Olympic Lifting Seminar at Lift Strong Run Fast From 9am-10:30am and then I will be headed over to Skyline CrossFit to host another Olympic Lifting Seminar from 4pm-5:30pm. if you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment.

AM Training:
A1.Kb single arm press 5x5 each arm (Used 70#kb)
A2. Strict Pull up 5x5


B1. unbroken Bench Press 3x10 (used 225lbs)
B2. Single arm bent over row using db 3x8each arm (used 105lb db)


Pushups x200reps (I alternated every 10 reps btwn Ring pushups with feet on box and hand release pushups)

PM Training:

10min of MU Skill work: 15 "STRICT" MU, no kipping allowed and kick out at bottom a must!!!!



Monday, July 11, 2011

Olympic Lifting Seminar

Olympic Lifting Seminar

Come brush up on your technique at Skyline CrossFit Saturday July 16th at 4:00p.m.! Carl Edwards from Lift Strong Run Fast will be hosting the seminar. $10 a person, cash only please! Feel free to invite other crossfitters. See you there!

AM Training:
400m sprint x3; 3min rest btwn

A1. Pistols 3x8x each leg
A2. Weighted GHR 3x10

Amrap 10min
Russian Kbs x10
Squats x15
DU x20

PM Training:
3 rounds for time:
750m row
OHS x15 @115lbs

Gymnastics skill:
Ring HSPU 5x3; 1min rest btwn sets